In this blog, we are going to learn how we can execute
Selenium Automation Test in Headless
mode or browser using Chrome.
Before Going Further let's Understand what is Headless Browser.
As Name Suggest Headless
Browser is a browser without any user interface it would execute all our test case
like a normal web-browser but we won’t be able to see that execution on our
There are many famous headless driver available in the market like:
Chrome Headless Driver
Firefox Headless Driver
HTML unit Driver
Ghost Driver
In this blog, we are going to learn about Chrome Headless Driver.
In this blog, we are going to learn about Chrome Headless Driver.
To use Chrome browser we need
to addArguments –headless
in our code.
Please refer below code
snippet where I have executed two tests in chrome headless mode along with
After executing the Code, Result
will be like:
After Reading this the next logical question you would be having how to capture screenshot in Headless Mode. Please
Refer this blog for more details.
Running Automation Script In Chrome Headless With Testng - Qa Automation >>>>> Download Now
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