Reading Data From Excel File in Protractor

Reading Data From Excel File in Protractor

Reading Data From Excel File in Protractor

As we all are aware, data driven testing is one of the important aspects we need to take care while designing any testing framework. There could be different approaches of data Driven Testing in automation framework like
  •         Reading Test Data from properties file
  •         Reading Test Data from JSON File
  •     Using DataProvider
  •         Reading Test Data from excel

We already have seen in other blog, how to read data from properties file and use it in our automation framework. Please refer this link to know about it.

We also have seen how to Read test data from JSON file. Please click on this link.

In this blog, we will learn how to read data from Excel File and use them in our protractor automation framework.

For reading data from excel file in protractor automation framework, we need to follow below steps:

1)     We need to download the npm xlxs dependency from this link in your package.json.

2)     Then we can create one excel file inside our project and let's name it as GoogelTestData.With the help of this excel file I will read the url of google home page then click on Images link present on top of page and then do some search on google Search box.

3)     Now to Read this Excel File from our automation script we need to provide the path and name xlsx file.

Below is my runner class to execute this automation scripts

Output of above code execution would Be:

Extent Report Version 4 Selenium With TestNG

Extent Report Version 4 Selenium With TestNG

Extent Report Version 4 Selenium With TestNG

As we all are aware reporting is an integral and very important part of any testing automation framework. Normally in any testing framework, we use either default TestNg Report, Allure Report or most widely used as Extent Report. We already have seen in my other blogs how we can set up an extent report in TestNg and Cucumber.
Continuous Delivery Pipeline Using Jenkins

Continuous Delivery Pipeline Using Jenkins

Continuous Delivery Pipeline Using Jenkins

As we all are Continuous Delivery is process where any code changes made by developers are automatically build, deploy, tested and can be move to production.

So in Continuous Delivery feedback and visualization of this delivery process is one of the most important aspect that needs to be taken care of. So Jenkins Delivery pipeline plugin provides us the solution to visualize one or more delivery pipelines.