Capturing Screen-Shot in Appium Mobile Automation

Capturing Screen-Shot in Appium Mobile Automation

Capturing Screen-Shot in Appium Mobile Automation

As we all know capturing screenshot is one of the most important testing process that we need to follow either in manual or in automation testing to report bug/issue to the development team or to simply show the testing results to different Stakeholders. So in this blog, I am going to discuss how we can capture a screenshot using Appium for our mobile automation test.
Importing Requirements into HP-ALM Using Excel

Importing Requirements into HP-ALM Using Excel

Importing Requirements into HP-ALM Using Excel

As we all are aware every time it is not possible to create requirement directly in HP-ALM tool or let’s say we have a scenario where we have a lot of requirement written in excel format and we want to import this requirement in HP-ALM tool for this purpose there is an excel utility called as “Microsoft Excel Add-in” which would help us to directly import requirements into the HP-ALM tool instead of manually putting it.