Say GoodBye to Driver.exe !!

Say GoodBye to Driver.exe !!

Say GoodBye to Driver.exe !!

As we all know, while using Selenium WebDriver for each browser such as Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge or IE, we need to first separately download its binary file which allows, WebDriver to handle browsers then we need to provide the absolute path of this binary in the system properties to launch the respective browsers.
Test Automation Reporting with Allure And TestNG

Test Automation Reporting with Allure And TestNG

Test Automation Reporting with Allure And TestNG

In this blog, we are going to learn how we can generate an Interactive allure report in TestNg Framework.

Before Moving Further, let’s understand about Allure Report.

As mentioned in Allure official GitHub Page, Allure is a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool that not only shows a very concise representation of what has been tested in a neat web report form, but allows everyone participating in the development the process to extract the maximum of useful information from everyday execution of tests.
Customizing Extent Report with Logo..!!

Customizing Extent Report with Logo..!!

Customizing Extent Report with Logo..!!

In this blog, we are going to learn how we can add customize extent report with the logo of our own choice.

To know how to setup extent report please refer to this blog.

To display the logo on the top of the extent report just add below XML  configuration to the extent-config.xml path placed inside the resources folder.

Executing Automation Script in FireFox Headless Browser

Executing Automation Script in FireFox Headless Browser

Executing Automation Script in FireFox Headless Browser

In this blog, we are going to learn how we can execute Selenium Automation Test in Headless mode or browser using FireFox.

Before going forward, I would highly recommend to you to visit my blog to understand about headless browser its type and its use.

To use FireFox browser we need to addCommandLineOptions–headless in our code and use it along with FirefoxBinary.

Steps to Read Configuration from Properties File in Rest Assured Framework

Steps to Read Configuration from Properties File in Rest Assured Framework

Steps to Read Configuration from Properties File in Rest Assured Framework

What is configuration or properties file?
As we all are aware that it is not good practice to store hard coded values in the code, also it is against the basic coding principal so with the help of properties/configuration file, we can eliminate all these hard coded from our code.