Introduction To Kibana

Introduction To Kibana

What is Kibana ?

Kibana is known as the open source-based browser, which is based on the series of the visualization tool. This tool has been most often used in terms of analyzing with the larger volume of the logs in the form of a bar graph, line graph, as well as pie charts or the region maps. This whole visualization will be making it so much easy to predict or even to encounter with any changes in view with the trending errors or full range of other significant events inside the input source. This platform usually is working in sync along with the Elasticsearch as well as Logstash. Both of them will together form the combination of ELK stack.

Introduction about ELK Stack:

ELK is the abbreviation of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. This has been known to be one of the most leading log-based management platform, which is used all over the world for log analysis. Straight away into the ELK stack, the logstash has been extracting the logging data or full range of other events from various sources of input. It will be processing the events and hence, later on, will be storing them inside the Elasticsearch. In simple, we will be calling Kibana as a complete visualization tool, which will be accessing the logs straight from the Elasticsearch.

Important Features of Kibana

Some of the basic features which are offered by the Kibana are as mentioned below:
         It has been provided in so many ways, through which it will enable you to visualize the data in a wide range of different ways. This will include in the form of the bar graph, line graph, as well as pie charts or the region maps. 
         As soon as the series of visualization is entirely ready, all of it is located on the board all at once, which is known as the dashboard. Through this dashboard, you can check out all the major sections and get an idea of what is precisely happening all around.

         Also, you would be able to work all along with the indexes using the Dev tools. Beginners would be able to add upon with some dummy indexes straight from dev tools. They can also consider adding on with some updates, as well as deleting the whole data and making the use of some indexes for creating the visualization.
         It will be processing the events and hence, later on, will be storing them inside the Elasticsearch.
         It is based on open source-based browser visualization tool in the form of a bar graph, line graph, as well as pie charts or the region maps. 
         It is easy for beginners to understand the whole concept.
         It is much easy when it comes to the conversion of the visualization along with the dashboard in the reports form.
         It might be a little hard for you to add specific plugins in the Kibana.
         It might give you some issues when you are upgrading from the old version to the latest version.



My Name is Ankur Jain and I am currently working as Automation Test Architect.I am ISTQB Certified Test Manager,Certified UI Path RPA Developer as well as Certified Scrum Master with total 12 years of working experience with lot of big banking clients around the globe.I love to Design Automation Testing Frameworks with Selenium,Appium,Protractor,Cucumber,Rest-Assured, Katalon Studio and currently exploring lot in Dev-OPS as well. I am currently staying in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Please Connect with me through Contact Us page of this website.

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