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In this blog,
we are going to see how we can generate advance test report such as net-master
for cucumber using Maven-cucumber-reporting, an open-source tool which
generates a pretty HTML report along with living documentation.
Please Note
before starting the setup of this report I am assuming you have basic knowledge of
maven, and it is already installed in the local machine as well as in your ide
along with all other maven plugins to execute the test.
How to Send Cucumber Report in email through Jenkins
Let’s check out how
we can generate this report using cucumber maven Plugin.
1) In POM.Xml
please add below dependency and plugin (Please make sure to use the version i
have suggested another version might be unstable currently)
2) In the Runner File Inside, the Plugin tag add the name of the report.
3) Execute maven
project using “mvn test” from command line.
4) Refresh
project now and inside project \target\Report\cucumber-reports\cucumber-html-reports
there would be a report generated with name feature-overview.
Generated Report
will look something like below.
Keep Learning,
Keep Sharing.
report is not generating. Please help, empty Report folders are creating but htl file is not generating
ReplyDO i need to make any other changes
Please help
Hi Report Not Getting Generated with above POM and Runner class ...
ReplyTemplate is good But no Content ... is it possible to Help
Hi Manju,Very diffcult to comment without seeing any logs or any other details.
ReplyPlease share error message along with POM file and other details on my email id ankur.jain.cs@gmail.com
Thank you a lot, very helpfuL. I follow all steps, it's great!.
ReplyReport not generating. Time waste
Replyvery informative. but report is in plain format