SonarLint | Fix issues before they exist

SonarLint | Fix issues before they exist

In this article, we will be learning about SonarLint which is one of the most popular and widely used plugins nowadays for any code development.

What is SonarLint?

SonarLint is a popular IDE extension that helps us to detect and fix quality issues as and when we starting writing the code.

it just works like a spell checker, SonarLint helps in finding flaws so that they can be fixed before committing code.

Some of the feature of Sonarlint includes:

The most amazing feature about this plugin is that it supports all major IDE like eclipse, IntelliJ, VS Code, Visual studio.

In this article, I would be showing how we can setup sonarlint in eclipse.

To start working with Sonarlint we need to follow below steps:

1.  Open Eclipse and Navigate to Help > Eclipse Market Place.

2.  Search for SonarLint and click install.

3.  Confirm the installation of sonarlint into eclipse

4.  Once SonarLint will get installed make sure to restart your eclipse.

5.  Now we will be able to see the errors and suggestions by the sonarlint about the quality of our code.

6.  To explicitly run this we can perform right-click on any File/Project we wanted to scan and can use SonarLint option either to scan or to exclude the scanning.

7.  This will provide a detailed report about all the errors.



My Name is Ankur Jain and I am currently working as Automation Test Architect.I am ISTQB Certified Test Manager,Certified UI Path RPA Developer as well as Certified Scrum Master with total 12 years of working experience with lot of big banking clients around the globe.I love to Design Automation Testing Frameworks with Selenium,Appium,Protractor,Cucumber,Rest-Assured, Katalon Studio and currently exploring lot in Dev-OPS as well. I am currently staying in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Please Connect with me through Contact Us page of this website.

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