Till now we have seen how
to perform API Testing using Postman and Rest Assured. In this article, we would
be looking at how we can perform API testing using Katalon Studio as well.
As we know Katalon Studio Supports Web, Mobile, and API Testing as well.
As we know Katalon Studio Supports Web, Mobile, and API Testing as well.
To Begin with API Testing
using Katalon Studio we need to follow below simple steps:
Click on File ร Newร Project
Provide the Name of the project
in Project type please make sure to select the option as API/Web Service and then
Click on OK.
This will
automatically generate one sample project for us.
Now right click on
object repositoryร Newร Web Service Request.
5) Provide any suitable name for the Request along with Request Type and URL and click on OK.
Now at the bottom of the screen, there are additional parameter like Authorization, HTTP Header, HTTP Body
etc which can be filled based on your requirement.
We can also put inbuilt
verification point as per the requirement as we usually do with the postman.
Now we need to Right-click on the Test Cases folder. Select Newร Test Case.
Inside Test Click on
Add and Select web Service Request option.
10) Now we can create
our Test as per our requirement for e.g in below case I have created one sample
test for validating the response code.
11) To Execute this Test
case we need to click on Run and Select
option as a web Service.
Result of execution would
be like below :