In this Appium tutorial we will learn how we can set up Appium for windows and its dependencies on Android platform.
Software Required
To Setup Appium on windows below software
are required:
1. Java
2. Android SDK (Android Studio)
3. Node.js
4. Appium Desktop Server
5. Eclipse or Any other IDE of your choice
5. Eclipse or Any other IDE of your choice
1) Install the JDK software and set JAVA_HOME
1. Install the Java Development
Kit Software (JDK)
▪ Select the appropriate JDK software and
Click Download.
▪ The JDK software is installed on your
computer, for example, at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_201. You can move the
JDK software to another location if desired.
▪ Right-click My Computer and select
▪ On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables,
and then edit JAVA_HOME to point to where the JDK
software is located,like: C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.8.0_201.
▪ You can check it by typing java
-version command at the command prompt
2) Install Android Studio and set ANDROID_HOME
1. Install Android Studio and the SDK:
▪ Download and Install Android Studio
▪ Right-click My Computer and select
▪ On the Advanced tab, select Environment
Variables, and then add ANDROID_HOME to point to where the
Android SDK files is located, like: c:\Android\sdk\
▪ Verify it on the Command prompt using $
echo %ANDROID_HOME% command. Output must display
the SDK path.
3) Installation of Node.js
1. Install Node.js from:
2. You can verify installation by entering
$ npm -version command at the
command prompt and it will display the
4) Installation of Appium desktop server
1. Go to the Appium GitHub project using below link and Download the relevant Appium Desktop .exe file.
2. Install it and Open Appium.exe file and
start the server
3. A Terminal should appear saying ‘The
server is running’
5) Installation of Eclipse IDE
Install Eclipse ide from
Validate that all the setup has been done correctly we can use an node js
package known as Appium doctor. Please refer to this link to know more about