is Appium Doctor??
Appium doctor
is one of the node module that helps us to diagnose and fix common Node, iOS
and Android configuration issues before starting Appium.
Before moving
further, I would highly recommend you to Read How to Download and install Appium on Windows and How to Download and Install Appium on MAC OS.
Appium doctor
will primarily check for below thing:
ร Xcode and All command-line tools are
installed and set up correctly or not?
ร Andriod_Home and JAVA_Home path are set up or not?
ร Andriod_Home and JAVA_Home path are set up or not?
ร DevTools Security is enabled or not?
To start working with Appium doctor we need to follow below very simple steps:
Appium doctor node module using below commands
npm install appium-doctor -g
to use Appium doctor node module use below command
appium -doctor --android ( in case of windows)
appium-doctor --ios (in case of MAC)
everything is fine we will be getting a message like below
Please note there could be some warning during this which can be ignored.
In case of any
issue relevant message will get displayed.
To know more
about this, you can visit there git page.